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About 10e12 (Trillion)

Commonly referred to as a "trillion" 10e12 is the scientific notation for a 1 followed by 12 zeros.

We specialize in IT-consultancy services, project management and systems development. Our experience over the past 31 years include but is not limited to consultancy 7 years working exclusively with U.S. based entities, 5 years in the the United Kingdom and the remainder working with entities mainly situated in Sweden, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait and many other Middle Eastern regions.

Some of our clients include govt. entities, royalty as well as brand name clients. This said, we also bring the benefits of our skills and know-how to smaller firms and not-for-profit organizations on a much more local level.
SNI codes for our activities

We mainly operate in the following industry areas:

69201 Accounting and bookkeeping
70220 Consulting activities regarding company organization

We do not limit our activities to companies alone, but also help associations with start-up, operation and internal issues in the areas of statutes, agreements and daily operations/current accounting.

We support companies with everything from finding competent partners and suppliers, conducting reviews of their agreements, terms and conditions and making suggestions for improvements in the business' operational and strategic objectives.

As a side business, we also carry out the following

71121 Technical consultancy in construction and civil engineering
90030 Literary and artistic creation (including freelance journalism)
81100 Real estate related support services

Our Services Range...

  • Project Management
  • Development
  • Systems Assessment
  • Documents and TQM
  • Corporate Assessment
  • ERP Systems
  • Other IT-related services

Other information...

We speak the following languages;
  • English
  • Swedish
  • German
We also "speak";
  • VB Classic/VB.NET
  • C
  • Java
  • SQL
  • PHP
We also have experience with;
  • C++
  • JS
  • Python
  • MatLab

What is Current?

Recent development!

Presently we are undergoing massive changes for the year 2024/2025 preparing to take the next step in developing new tools for varying industries.

In partnership with forrestry companies we are developing internal reporting and time mangement systems.

Internal development is presently focused on e-Identity tools as well as platforms for trade in the fields B2B, B2C and C2C.

Our ongoing projects with sales of air cleaners as well as other health products continue to provide funding to our more high tech endavours.

Other current ventures may be posted here at a later time partly due to their current development status. Others still may never be posted here due to security and privacy concerns.

Our clients right to privacy, security and secrecy is a most serious matter to us at all times.

We are open for operations via remote services as usual.

Contacting 10e12

Please use the following form and we will aim to respond within 48 hours during regular hours of operations.

Solicitation regarding web services, development and similar matters will be regarded as spam and swiftly deleted from our inbox. Do not contact us if you are an aspiring web developer. We perform such services our selves and are not hiring at this time.

Before you ask where our Cookie warning is, consider the following;
- We don't use Cookies but we do eat them during our coffee breaks.

Postal services...


AddressSuletorp 3,
SE-364 93 Alstermo

E-mailPlease use the provided form!

Hours of Operation Mon - Thu 10:00 - 17:00
Fri 10:00 - 14:00
Sat-Sun & holidays closed.
all times GMT+1 hours